Thursday, July 18, 2013

Recognize Greatness

Do you set goals for yourself? If so, how large or small do they seem? How long will it take to achieve them? When you achieve your goals, how do you feel afterwards? Do you feel proud? What happens when others don't recognize them? How does it make you feel? You may be the type of person who doesn't need approval from others to feel worthy or the type of person who needs to hear kind words from other people when you achieve greatness. If you crave recognition, or know of someone who does, then stay tuned.

Let's take a look at me. I've always been a goal setter and goal achiever. When I achieve one goal, I will set the next one and achieve it. Each time I achieve my goals, it's a mini victory for me. However, the victory doesn't always seem victorious. When I achieve a goal, I want my accomplishment to be recognized by other people. Unfortunately, more times than not, this doesn't happen. If you can relate to me, then you know how upsetting this is. However, I've learned a few things and would like to share them with you. This is not a comprehensive list. These are themes that have come up in my life:

-No one will ever be prouder of your accomplishments than you. You spend so much time following through on your goals. Unless someone is empathetically connected with you, then don't expect others to be as proud as you.
-There are the occasional jealous people who do see your greatness. They will purposely try to bring you down because they want what you have. If this happens, avoid these people as much as you can.
-There are people who do see greatness, but won't give recognition because they think you hear it all the time.
-Don't achieve goals solely for external recognition. If you crave recognition because of insecurities, I recommend working on improving your overall wellness. I say this because I've had to work on this. 

Keeping these things in mind, here's what I want you to take away from this list. If you don't need to be recognized, know that there are people who do. Simply saying "Congratulations" can do wonders to one's self-confidence. Recognition Kings and Queens, please listen to this carefully: You are amazing. Everything you do is worth recognizing as greatness. You are worthy of everything you've ever accomplished in your life. Please see it in yourself. Recognize your own greatness. When you do, you will become a happy, self-sufficient, and confident person.

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