Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night.....

When you read the title of this week's blog, did the Blackeyed Peas appear in your mind? The group did for me. Their songs are catchy and have repetitive lyrics. You may or may not be a fan of this musical group, but it's easy to recognize one of their chart toppers. Each song has a unique melodic and harmonic combination that can annoy some and draw other people in. I am not a fan of this group, but, once in a while, an aspect of a song will touch me.

The title of the blog is a lyric from a popular song by the group. In this song, there are many messages that can be interpreted. One message I interpreted is that I should take time to just have fun. It may seem obvious, but it means more to me than that.

I am known for being on the go constantly. I enjoy taking on many projects that are due at the same time. It's a sick pleasure knowing that I can conquer anything I set my mind to. Sometimes, I become so focused that I forget to stop and enjoy life. People have told me to relax and stop doing anything for 30 seconds. It's been difficult to wrap my head around this concept, but I know it is good for me.

If you know of someone who doesn't stop, tell them this:
Whatever you're working on is not going away. If you continue to work on it, then you will stress yourself out. Take a moment or two to just enjoy life. When you go back to your work, you will be refreshed and have a clear mind.

If you are like me, please listen to me:
If you are not capable of stopping yourself from taking on a lot, trust someone to tell you when to stop. The person you trust will have your best interest at heart. If you trust the person to help you, then you will be helping yourself. I cannot speak for every person, but I know that stopping for a little bit has been helpful in my personal growth.

Life's too short to get wrapped up in every detail of life. When you feel overwhelmed, remember to stop:
S-Slow down
T-Take a moment to breathe
O-Optimize and seize the wonderful moment
P-Press play again

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