Thursday, September 12, 2013

Does the Outfit Fit?

When is the last time your tried on an outfit? Did the outfit fit just right or did something seem off? I've always been told to put clothes back on the rack if I don't like them on me. If I still decide to buy the clothes, they will grow dust in my closet.

When an outfit fits just right, it seems like everything is right within the world. The outfit hugs your body the way you think it should and it makes you feel confident. I don't know about you, but I know that I feel best when my outfit is tailored perfectly.

Think about the clothing you own. Do you have a go-to outfit you wear? Doesn't it make you feel great?! Each time you wear it, you feel confident! When you wear your favorite outfit, you don't second guess whether or not it is right for you; you just know it.

Picking out the outfit that is perfect for you is a lot like picking out the people you surround yourself with on a daily basis. People are a reflection of who you are. Some people are like the clothes we buy, but don't like. For example, let's say you hang out with a large group of people. In the group, you really only like 1 or 2 people. You would be thrilled if the other people went away. The 1 or 2 people you like are the tailored clothes that fit you perfectly. You know these people work well with your personality. You could do anything with these people and still have a great time. The majority of people are the ill-fitting clothes or the clothes that don't suit your personality. Some people are like the pair of pants that are a size too small; you think you'll fit into them one day. These people squeeze the life out of you. Other people may look like you (e.g., similar sense of style), but the "it" factor simply isn't there. If money weren't an issue, would you buy the item that is meant for you or buy the item that looks good, but doesn't look right on you?

If you surround yourself with ill-fitting people, you will never be fully satisfied. Surround yourself with people who work. You can't explain how or why, but it just does. The people who fit like a perfectly tailored outfit are the ones who will bring the most satisfaction and happiness to your life.

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