Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do You Remember?

Well, do you? Do you remember the last time you you were in good company? I'm not referring to the obligated company. For example, when you hang out with a group of friends, do you tend to gravitate towards one friend? When you go to an event, is there that one person you hope to see? I am not certain as to how many people think these thoughts, but I know there is one person who does-me.

Growing up, I was surrounded by many people. People had similar interests, hobbies, and goals. However, there was always the one friend I wanted to be with above others. When I attended family events, there's always a couple family members I gravitate to each time. It's not that I don't like other people; I just connect with certain people more than others.

It's difficult to describe. When I surround myself with people who "get me" and I connect with, the stars align and everything is right with the world. I could talk to these people for hours on end and never get tired of their company. I could be away from these people for a few hours and have the world to discuss.

This is the beauty of good company. Good company prevents the awkward silences that occur, the fake conversations, and the sugarcoated comments. It allows a person to be his or her purest self. For years, I surrounded myself with people because I thought quantity equaled quality. However, it is not the case. I have learned to surround myself with people who are good company. At the end of each day, good company makes life worth living.

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