Friday, November 21, 2014


Do you get writer's blog? Have you had a day when you just can't seem to think of a good idea? When's the last time you sat in front of a computer screen and couldn't find writing inspiration? Does this drive you crazy? If so, you're not alone. To be honest, I am going through this exact dilemma right now-literally. Huh? "Why would you write a blog when you have nothing to write about tonight?" It's weird how this works, but bear with me.

A few weeks ago, I was in the process of writing a research paper. It was the ideal night for working. I had no other obligations, all house chores were finished, and I did not have other homework that night. Why was it that I was uninspired on the ideal work night?!? Ugh! I hate it when this happens. My lack of creativity could not have come at a worse time. A while back, I had every intention of working on a research report. Guess what? I wasn't motivated that day. Why, why, why?!? I could continue giving examples, but I think you get the point.

What do I do when I am not feeling inspired? I walk away. Could I struggle to get past my mental roadblocks and force myself to produce a document? Sure, why not? However, I have noticed that if I walk away from what I am doing and go back to it the next day, the work I produce is significantly better. If I am to become a better version of myself, I have to know how to use my weak moments to my advantage, and I encourage you to do the same. The beauty of this is that it doesn't just apply to writing.

If you're an athlete and you're messing up a technique you normally master, take a break, get your mind right, and then try again. Perhaps you are an avid camper. Setting up a tent is second nature to you. Let's say you are setting up a tent and you just can't get it. Step back, breathe, and start again. What if you're learning something new? Many times, it can be challenging to learn something new for the first time. When you become frustrated, step away from what you are doing, reflect on it, and then try again. If you're interacting with another person and they don't want to listen to you, walk away, cool down, and then continue the interaction.

It's easy to say "Inspiration is all around you. All you have to do is look for it." News flash: it isn't always that simple. Sometimes, finding it is like pulling teeth out of a whale's mouth. However, if you take a moment to remove yourself from a situation, you will find the motivation with a clear mind. Go ahead, try it. You may just surprise yourself.

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