Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pay it forward

Have you ever muttered the motto "What's in it for me ?" At one point or another, many of us have. I am guilty of preaching this motto. It is easy to do when we live in a society that focuses on the individual. It can be anything from having your own bedroom, not sharing toys as a child, when you will land that dream job, how much will you make per year, etc. I mean, it makes sense to think about you because it is your life. 

It is important to keep you in mind as you progress through life. However, there comes a time when thinking about only you does harm. For example, have you ever pushed others to work harder in a group for the sole purpose of saving your grade in a class? Have you seen someone walking within a close distance and you neglect to hold the door open for s/he because you're "in a hurry"? Has someone helped you pick up the load of papers you dropped but you walk passed someone else who has, and do nothing? 

As you look at the previous statements, think to yourself if you've been in similar situations. What did you do? Did you help? Think about helping and do nothing? Think nothing of it? I hope you chose to help. If not, it is never too late to start helping others.

Every day, there are numerous opportunities to lend a helping hand. If you don't know where to begin, try smiling at someone you normally wouldn't. Just because someone seems okay on the outside doesn't mean s/he is on the inside. Open a door for someone, volunteer once a week as a tutor for an hour, tip an extra dollar at the restaurant, connect someone with a useful contact, recommend an organization for growth, and so forth.

When you do for others, others will do for you. It may not be right away. It may not appear to be obvious. Allow yourself to be open-minded to the gifts people give. When you do this, it gives you more ways to help others.

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