Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Have a 5 Star Day!

When you look for a new restaurant to try, hotel to stay in, or look at company ratings, which areas would you explore? One place I will look at is the rating of the establishment. The establishment will be rated out of five stars, five being the best rating. When a business, product, or other reviewed product or service receives a high star markup, taking a chance on it is favorable. If you see a low star rating, would you run for the hills? 

What about you? What is your star rating? If it's anything below a five (5), would you run from you? The last time I checked, it's impossible to run away from yourself. Since it's impossible, instead of focusing on why you are not a 5 star rating, let's refocus your thoughts.

To demonstrate how to evaluate your 5 star day, I would like for you to examine the following areas in your life (one star per dimension): physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social. If you didn't catch on to what I just listed, these are 5 main dimensions of wellness. Each dimension focuses on a different aspect of your life, hence the 5 star day.

Dig deep and be honest with yourself. Out of 5 stars, how would you truly rate yourself? If your total is less than a 5, then look at your life and determine what you need to change in order to get there. It may happen overnight; it may take a while. It's never too late to begin.

After you've determined where you stand, regardless of current star rating, here is what I would like for you to do. Each night, before you go to bed, write one positive thing about your day for each dimension of wellness (in bold above). For example, did you attend the dreaded networking event? Were you pleasantly surprised with a grade you received on an assignment? Have you achieved your fitness goal for the day? 

If you do this every day, you will begin to see a change in your mindset. I challenge you to do this activity for one calendar year. If you are a 5 star rating now, will you maintain that a year from now? If you need to set goals and achieve them, will you become a 5 star rating? When you think of yourself as a 5 star rating, you will have a 5 star day!

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