Thursday, May 9, 2013

Where's the....Respect?!

When you think of the word respect, what comes to your mind? When I think of it, the words esteem and regard come to my mind. Typically, when someone respects another person, it means that the person has high levels of awareness of other people, is considerate of different situations, and has proven his or her worth to be respected. Put simply, respect is earned and not assumed. Does this description sound ideal to you? I hope it does to some degree.

Unfortunately, what I've stated above is not always the case for some people. For example, when someone obtains a position of authority, the word respect can turn into a slippery slope. In a position of authority, a person has the power to control certain situations and the outcome of situations for those who work beneath.  Instead of earning respect based on one's ability to lead people and show them the way to victory, the person uses the power to his or her advantage and makes life difficult for the followers. Then, this is the same person who "demands respect" because of a position title.

In the workplace, it is easier to see when someone does or does not earn respect. What about our every day lives outside of work? If you have little money and are unable to participate in certain activities, does a friend continue to egg on a situation or will the friend drop it? Do you have a friend who expects you to always come to him or her, but that person will never come to you and make an excuse for it? If you chose to major in a discipline because you love it, does the family member respect the decision you've made or does s/he make you feel guilty because it doesn't have the potential to bring in a lot of money?

Regardless of context or situation, think about the situations in your life. Do you think you receive respect? If so, do you receive it because you truly deserve it? If you truly don't deserve it, contemplate on what that may be the case. Is there something you need to do to change your situation? If you earn respect because you truly deserve it, then I applaud you. As humans, we are all imperfect. However, now is the time to become better than ever.

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