Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Find Hope

In life, we come across situations that make our lives seem impossible. These situations attempt to prevent us from having hope in our lives. Why does this happen? Is there anything you can do to change this? To answer these questions, I'd like to share information from a book titled What Color is Your Parachute? by Bolles. I mentioned this book in a previous blog. I think this book has powerful information that can help anyone through any situation.

Why do impossible situations happen? Bolles argues that this happens because we don't have a plan. Without a plan of action to overcome situations, then we focus on the past instead of the future. However, you have the power to change the impossible to possible.

In order to find hope, four things must happen. These things are as follows:

1) "Have more than one plan. You should decide upon two careers, train for two different jobs, secure two job offers, etc. You can certainly increase the number." The point he's making is to not put your eggs into one basket. It can prove to be worthwhile.

2) "Find something that is within your control and work on it. Life presents challenges and obstacles that are beyond our control. We may feel helpless and think life is out to get us. There is always something we can control, even if it's one percent."

3) "Things that happen to us have meaning. Life isn't senseless and meaningless. Even if you don't know the meaning to different situations, knowing there is meaning somewhere along the way makes us stronger."

4) "Look at an issue from a different angle. Have a critical mind and learn to ask the right questions."

I cannot guarantee that these tips will make life seem like a breeze. However, if you make a good effort to use them in your life, I think you will find life to be easier to manage.

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