Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where Were You a Year Ago?

When you look back on last year, what comes to your mind? When your memories surface, were you proud of them? If you were proud of them, then be proud to be proud. Don't hide behind them. Show yourself and let people know how happy you are. If you were not proud, then ask yourself why. Regardless of how last year went, last year did exist.

My last year was full of  trials. However, the year was not complete without a year of triumphs. I experienced new feelings for the first time and repeated feelings from the previous year crept up on me. I won't share each trial and triumph, but I will tell you about an experience many can relate to. A year ago, I was a job seeker who had no luck getting past the computer. I went to numerous networking meetings and had no luck. Frustration was my favorite word because it was how I felt each day. It got to the point where people kept inquiring on my job status and questioned how a talented person couldn't catch a break; it was a slap in the face. I thought I was the "over-educated" person that wasn't "hire-worthy" due to my lack of experience in corporate America. Don't get me wrong, I had other professional positions, but they weren't the experiences employers wanted. One day, someone asked me to describe my ideal job. Once I described the job I wanted, the person who asked me the question replied "Why are you looking for job X when you know what you want to do?!" After the reality of the statement sunk in my brain, I rethought my job search strategy and am on the right track to the career I seek.

Through this experience, I learned that triumphs don't always stand alone. Sometimes, the trials make the triumphs. Put simply, when something bad happens and good comes as a result, it makes the victory that much sweeter. Had my path been handed to me on a gold platter, then the journey I experienced may have been significantly worse later on down the road. I share my job seeker story with you because I want you to know that everything will be okay long-term. Sometimes, it takes twists and turns to make the reality you desire.

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