Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

How's your day going? Did you receive life changing news? Are you anticipating good news? Does life feel like "bleh" today? Regardless, how is your day going? If you were to describe it to me, what would you say? I will select 3 categories of words. Pick which category applies to you: 1) Awesome, amazing, and fantastic; 2) Not great, could've been better, and it was okay; or 3) Crappy; a big ball of you know what, and don't even ask!

Everyone has days that are good, bad and ugly. Some days overflow with ugly feelings and events. No matter what you do or how hard you try, everything turns into a disaster. Your day may be filled with the bad. Good things did happen, but they weren't enough to counteract the bad. "Everything went fine until I received a speeding ticket. Afterwards, I went home and found out I didn't get the promotion I wanted."

The beauty of life is that there is good mixed in with the bad and ugly. Sometimes, life doesn't throw lemons at us. It will throw hot sauce, wasabi, mouth wash, mud, spoiled milk, and rotten eggs at us. Fortunately, you can avoid these substances and live a good life.

How can you live a good life? It's simple: focus on the good things that happen to you. You may have 10 bad things that happen, but the 1 good thing can counteract it. For example, if your entire day felt like you should have slept in the pig pen, but you fall asleep next to the partner you love, then the good outweighs the bad. If your children drive you crazy, but they give you the cutest face and it makes you melt, then the good outweighs the bad.

Focusing on the good in life may be easy for some and difficult for others. I am not saying to solely focus on the good. The bad and ugly are bound to happen to you at one point or another. You can control how your day is if you focus your energy on the good. Who knows? Maybe each day could end up being a good day.

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