Thursday, March 6, 2014

Making Mountains out of Molehills

When's the last time you were face-to-face with a tough situation? What did you do? How did you react? Once it was over, what did you learn from the situation? Throughout your life, you will be faced with many tough situations. Some can be conquered in a day; others may take weeks, months, years, or possibly a lifetime.

If you are currently face-to-face with a tough situation, how much credit do you give it? Think about it. Do you give the situation more credit than it is actually worth? Is the situation exaggerated exponentially? Are the characters in the situation important enough to fear?

I wish you could physically put your situation in front of a mirror and see it for what it is. If I were to take the situations I've experienced in the past, I saw situaitons that were bigger than myself, possibly larger than life. They consumed my thoughts like black poisonous cancer taking over my body before I could count to 5. All I could think about was how poorly I was treated, which helped me to justify my thoughts, making them bigger than what they were. My thoughts diminished my qualities and minimzed my accomplishments. Needless to say, it was unhealthy and contagious.

Luckily, contagious thoughts can be changed. As I have grown as a person, I have learned to let molehills stay molehills, rather than letting them turn into mountains. As a self-sufficient person, I saw this as an opportunity to become a better person. I rely on my strengths and support system to guide me. Through internal and external guidance, I started at a place I think is manageable. I chose to shift my paradigm and look at tough situations through a different lens. Instead of looking at people and things as scary, intimidating, and bigger tham myself, I've decided to stop giving them more credit than they're worth. With this mindset, I am able to see the good in tough situations.

Life can be daunting disheartening, and can take a toll on one's self-esteem. However, if you place your situations in front of the mirror of your mind and look at them for what they're truly worth, it will help to bring peace and prosperity to your life. Life doesn't have to be a huge mountain that is inconquerable. Let your tough situations stay moleholes and watch your life transform before your eyes.

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