Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Little Bit Goes a Long Way

Have you heard of the title of this blog? If so, what comes to your mind? Is it Jessica Simpson's song? Eating what you adore? How about clipping coupons to save money? These things did come to my mind, but there is something that surpasses all of them. Can you guess what it is? It's patience.

I've been told by many people a little patience goes a long way. In a society where people are taught to give into instant gratification, patience is the last thing on one's mind. Think about it: fast food, making online purchases (no checkout lines), drive thru's, ATM's, fast speed Internet access, etc. Heck, restaurants now have curbside pick-up food.

I, like many, enjoy the convenience of instant gratification. When I have a busy day, what I want is available. Why should I bother cooking if someone else will do it for me? What's the point of waiting 4 days for clothes alterations when I can get them done the same day? It's so easy to get caught up in this world. What happens when instant gratification works against me? It makes me an impatient person. Being impatient can mean being ungrateful, dissatisfied, and assumptive. It's not a good place to be in nor does it make me happy.

When these days happen, I think back on the times when patience paid off. The nights I choose to make dinner turn out better than a meal I'd overpay for at a restaurant. Not bugging the selection committee allowed me to be selected into my Ph.D. program of choice. Developing a friendship with my boyfriend for a couple years allowed me to get to know him for who he really is. Now, I am in the best relationship I've ever been in.

Patience is something I continue to learn. Some days are easier than others. When days get tough, I remember what I have in my life. Specifically, I remember the good things I have because of demonstrated patience. After all of these years, those who preached the patience gospel were right; a little bit of patience does go a long way.

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