Thursday, July 24, 2014


If you were filmed and your life was shown on national television, what would people think? Would they see all the times you've made mistakes and exaggerate them? Then, how would the viewers respond to the footage? After, how would this impact your life? Do you think people would have the wrong impression of who you are? Do you have more to offer to the world? If your mistakes were showcased, then the viewers wouldn't know any better. Aren't you glad you're not famous?!?

Think about the mistakes famous people make. Each time I watch a show, view an article online, or read a tabloid at the grocery store, I constantly see how famous people make mistakes. I understand that some mistakes are bound to happen; we're human for crying out loud. However, many mistakes that are displayed could easily be prevented. For example, do you remember when Britney Spears drove with her child on her lap? Yeah, that could have easily been prevented. Had it been prevented, it would have never become a story.

When you think about the mistakes famous people make, think about how the audience views them. Now, imagine you were famous. What would the footage look like? Do you think the footage would show the mistakes you've made or the wonderful things you've accomplished? If the footage shows the mistakes, ask yourself why that is the case. What choices are you making that impact your answer? After you answer this, ask yourself how your accomplishments can be showcased.

I am not saying that you should pretend to be someone you're not. What I am saying is that I want you to be conscious of the choices you make. Each choice you make can negatively or positively impact what others think about you. If you make good choices in your life, then you are more likely to gain respect and loyalty. As you go about your day, ask yourself this question: If others were to come to your funeral today, what would they say about you?

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