Thursday, August 14, 2014

I Just Want to Say...

When's the last time you told someone something you've wanted to say? Have you had a crush on someone for many years, but have been too shy to say something? Do you wish you could end a friendship with someone, but don't want to lose the comfort of being upset? Has the thought of receiving a raise appealed to you, but you kept quiet because it could mean losing your job or being demoted? If you're like many people I know, then you may not have spoken up for quite sometime.

Trust me when I say it's easy to be scared. For most of my life, the unknown has been scary. I am the type of person who likes to plan my entire life and sticking to it. I realize I cannot plan every aspect of my life, which is why the word "plan" is tentative. As I become wiser, facing scary things becomes riskier each day; there's more to lose. It makes me want to stick to my plan more each day.

Overtime, I have learned that the biggest rewards come by facing the scary. Sometimes, the scariest thing can be to speak up. Typically, I keep to myself. I don't want to stir the pot into something disgusting. However, over the past few years, I have chosen to speak up in certain situations. They didn't always go as planned, but I've become stronger. I've dumped a few "good" friends who became poison, stood up for myself during job-related miscommunications, and reached out to someone to keep in touch on a regular basis.

Whether the words on your mind are positive or negative, it is important that you communicate them. It will lift a lot of weight off of your shoulders and you will never live your life wondering what would or could have happened. Many people live their lives scared. If you do, then you may never get the chance to tell someone how you feel or what you think. Put yourself out there. What's the worst that could happen?

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