Friday, October 24, 2014

Does Time Really Heal Hurt?

Have you heard of this quote?: "Time heals all wounds." Do you agree with the quote? If so, why? If not, why not? As you think about how you answered the question, think about these things: When is it preached to you? Why is it spoken? What do you think when someone says it? It's one of those quotes that people use when someone else is going through an unfortunate situation. Quite frankly, it's a safe quote to use during a time of hurt. 

Do I agree with the quote? No, I don't. "Huh! Why do you not agree with it? Do you not think that time heals all wounds? Do major life events just magically heal themselves?" The quote I wrote is what I would have said to someone 10 year ago. Like everyone else I know, I have experienced my fair share of major life events and hurtful experiences. Death, family divorce, mean people, and life's curve balls have made their way into my arsenal of memories. Trust me when I say I have experienced my fair share of hurtful experiences. 

When I think about the hurtful experiences in my life, I used to think that time could cure what had happened to me. After a while, I still felt hurt as if it felt like the events happened the same day. Why wasn't time healing my wounds? Guess what? This quote was not applicable to my life. I realized I had to do something about my hurt. I do think time can aid in healing wounds, but I also must work to make the hurt go away. I must take the time to realize what I can do to aid in the healing process. 

Wounds and hurt are inevitable. It will happen to everyone. If you sit around and wait for time to take care of your wounds, your wounds won't go away. You need to take control of yourself and realize you are capable of making the wounds go away. Instead of saying "time heals all wounds," say "time heals nothing unless I move along with it." 

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