Friday, October 31, 2014

Is It Time to Self-Evaluate?

When is the last time you took a good look at yourself and asked what you could do to become a better ______________ (student, worker, parents, partner, etc.)? If you haven't done this, why not? Is it because you are afraid to admit your flaws? Does the idea of confronting yourself scare you? If self-confrontation freaks you out, then you are most likely not alone.

Many people I know don't want to confront themselves. It's difficult enough to receive feedback  from other people, but to truly accept it as your reality takes confrontation to a different level. Think about it: if someone tells you something, it's easy to dismiss it. However, when you tell yourself something, where do you run and hide? You can't escape your thoughts, which means you can't escape the issue at hand.

I used to strongly dislike evaluating myself. Who wants to think that they are flawed? I know I didn't. When it comes to evaluating my character and positions I've held, I was used to hearing what others had to say. However, looking at myself and accepting it as my reality scared the crap out of me! Accepting my flaws as my reality meant I was shifting my identity.

One day, I realized I couldn't run from myself anymore. If I wanted to become a professional and human being, I had to confront myself and become committed to self-evaluation. Before, if I made a mistake, I blamed everyone and everything else for my flaw. Now, I look at myself and determine what I can do in the future to improve myself. Will I always be my worst critic? You better believe it. However, I know that if I remain committed to self-growth, I will excel in every area of my life.

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