Friday, January 16, 2015

Go with the Flow

Do you go with the flow or do you prefer structure? If you go with the flow, does it annoy you when structured people are organized? I can only imagine what you may say. "You can't possibly plan for every aspect of life." "People say things that screw up the rest of the day." "Life should be embraced each moment rather than thinking about future moments." "How can anyone not go with the flow?!? That's the beauty of life!"

If you couldn't tell, I am a structured person. I live for schedules, order, and proper planning. Having a schedule in front of me is as glorious as eating chocolate while I am under thick covers watching an episode of Fixer Upper (great day!). If it were possible, I would plan out the rest of the calendar year now! Yes, I am being completely serious right now. Heck, if horoscopes were accurate, I would plan my life according to what I read. (Un)fortunately, I can't plan every aspect of my life nor can I predict what others will do and say.

This semester, I am living by a new motto: "Go with the flow." This is freakishly scary! I am not known for being good with the unknown. However, given the nature of the semester and upcoming summer, I figured it would be better to embrace this motto than fight against it. If someone in a class says things that may drive me crazy, I will learn from the person and strengthen my own position on an issue/topic. When a research approach emerges that confuses me, I will embrace new knowledge and learn all that I can. This won't be easy at first, but as I progress, I have no doubt it will become easier.

If you are a person who goes with the flow, help those who are structured. Yes, they will do everything they can to fight it. However, I ask that you're patient, understanding, and sympathetic. This is your opportunity to help a structured person to loosen up and embrace new life opportunities. Who knows? Both people may benefit each other in the end.

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