Sunday, March 1, 2015

Take Five...or a Half

Are you caught up in the overwhelming nature of today's world? Have you forgotten what it's like to live life simply? Do you wish you could travel back in time and live in the moments you tried to rush? I love the life I currently live and wouldn't change it for the world. However, there are days when I get a moment to breathe and remember how simple life used to be.

When I was a kid, I worried about weekend plans, which shows I would watch, and how I would spend my birthday and Christmas money. What is rent? Why wouldn't my parents buy food at the grocery store more often? How come everyone else gets what they want but me? These questions seem juvenile now, but when you don't know any better, they seem like a big deal.

I don't miss having the ignorance of a kid, but sometimes I miss the simplicity of how life used to be. Two hour walks with my best friend, Friday evening hangouts at Starbucks, sleeping in on snowdays, spending all of my money on things I wanted instead of things I need to survive, and shopping for clothes on the tab of others was glorious!

As an adult, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of paying bills, going to work, taking care of your family, etc. Within the next week, I want you to do one thing for me: I want you to spend a half hour relaxing. Lay in bed and read a good book, watch a favorite TV show, drive your car somewhere without the intent of going anywhere, ride your bicycle, or anything that will relax you.

A half hour may not seem like enough time to relax or you may not think you have a half hour to spare. If time is an issue, look at how you spend your current time. Is a good portion of your day taken up by social media use? Do you watch more TV than you care to admit? If you really look at how you spend your day, I think you will be able to find a half hour to spare. When you take the time to enjoy something small and simple, it will revitalize you and it will help you to become better each day.

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