Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is The Grass Really Greener on the Other Side?

How many times per day do you think people complain? If I had to speculate, I'd say the average person complains 20-30 times per day. Please don't hold me to this number. Some complain more and some complain less. My speculation may seem like a large range, but if you break it down, it makes sense. Have you complained about the number of hours you've worked recently? Was the cashier, at the grocery store, rude? Did a driver cut you off because you were driving too slow? Each complaint adds up fast.

If you hold in your feelings, those feelings bottle up; you become frustrated. If you say something too often, people become annoyed and don't want to listen to you anymore. It seems as if there is no correct balance for an acceptable number of complaints. It's really a catch 22.

In all honesty, I think it's normal to complain or vent. Think about it, who prefers to let injustices rule our world? The last time I checked, the answer to this is no one. Complaining isn't necessarily the problem. I think the problem is that people subtly forget to be grateful for what s/he has in life.

When it was 2 degrees outside, did you have heat in your home? Is your house made out of poo? Do you fear for your life each time you take a sip of water? Were you diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that has no cure? If you answered no to every question, then I think you're better off than you think.

As a society, we spend so much time wanting to be on the other side of the grass. What if the other side isn't greener? Would you go back to your current situation? The next time you complain about what's going on around you, ask yourself if your complaint will be relevant tomorrow. How about in a month? In a year? If it's not, then what's the problem?

The point I am making is to make the best with what you have currently. It may not be the ideal situation, but it's the situation that's currently in your lap. If you're unsatisfied to the point where you're no longer happy, then find a way to change it. Regardless of your situation, be grateful for what you have. It could always be worse.

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