Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Power of the Pessimist

Every day is a new day. We open our eyes, get out of bed, and accomplish what we set out to do. Some days, we accomplish everything on the "to do" list. Other days, everything that could possibly go wrong actually goes wrong. When things go wrong, it can be difficult to find the ray of light in the midst of dark, gloomy clouds. Getting out of that funk can be as daunting as facing your biggest fear. Okay, okay. This may or may not sound like you. If it does sound like you, then you can relate to me. If it doesn't, then you may know of someone who is....hold your breath....a pessimist! Oh no! The dreaded P word has been spoken.

The power of pessimism can be powerful. Pessimists has an innate ability to make someone's happy go lucky day the worst day ever. If you want to feel bad about your life, just talk to the pessimist. Don't depend on a pessimist to cheer you up because it will be an act. When the pessimist is optimistic, s/he is in a happy mood. However, if you trigger something in a pessimist, then that happy mood will go away.

Don't you just love hearing about pessimistic qualities that we, as a society, are accustomed to hearing? Have you ever wondered if you can make a pessimist an optimist? A pessimist can, and probably does, have optimistic moments. However, the likelihood of turning a pessimist into a true optimist will never happen. I think grumpy kitty would give you a run for your money. 

At this point, you may be wondering what purpose(s) pessimists serve.  As I stated earlier, pessimism can be powerful. A pessimist has a tendency to be curious and investigative. These people typically don't take things at face value; be prepared to be questioned. If an idea sounds terrific, the pessimist will inform others about the consequences of actions, provide insight as to why a plan needs to be investigated further, and will caution others when necessary. If a plan falls through, the pessimist already planned for the worst; s/he is able to recover quicker than an optimist. The pessimist knows that life is much more than a fairy tale. Sure, they think of fairy tale concepts, but they typically don't rely on them.

What is the best part about being a pessimist? You have the power to pleasantly surprise them. If they are pleasantly surprised, then an inch of optimism will make its way into their lives (they like this). 

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