Thursday, February 20, 2014

Seek Support

If you have a problem, do you seek advice from someone else? When you're in a jam, is someone there to hear you out? How does it feel to seek support? Is it awkward, disheartening, a joyous moment, a pleasant experience, or is it something I did not mention?

Seeking support can be a touchy topic, which can prevent some from doing so. Some are simply too stubborn and think they have all the right answers. Even when they don't, they still continue to do the same things, expecting different results. Others may be embarrased. It's not that they don't want to ask for help. Asking for help is a blow to pride. There are those who are content with being sad and not seeking support. Seeking support means there is less drama.

Regardless of reason or excuse, seeking support is so important. From personal experience, I used to shun the concept of seeking support. I thought people would try to change me. The thought of sitting in a counseling session did not thrill me. I did not trust counselors nor did I think they knew what was best for me. I rarely shared personal details of my life with those closest to me; what I said did not remain a secret.

Throughout the years, I have learned to seek support from others. Why did I decide to seek support? It's because I've allowed myself to become vulnerable. I came to terms with the fact that I may not always like what I hear and I may not always have the right answer. Once this happened, I let the support of others do what it is intended to do-for me. It keeps me grounded, grateful for what I have, helps me to wrap my head around daily life, and gives me a different perspective on life.

I encourage you to seek support in your life. It doesn't have to start with an astronomical, life changing event. It could start with something as simple as asking for advice on a general issue that doesn't necessarily pertain to you. Once you get used to doing this, begin incorporating personal information. You can seek support from a family member, friend, co-worker, or any other person who's willing to offer you solid, honest support.

I know seeking support can seem daunting and scary. However, if you allow yourself to be vulnerable and realize that people want to support you, seeking support will become easier and it will become as necessary as water is for survival. Once you allow yourself to seek support, there will be nothing that can stop you from becoming the best you can be.

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