Thursday, February 6, 2014

Enjoy Life's Small Pleasures

When's the last time you enjoyed your day? After you think about this, what happened during your day? Was the day full of epic events? Did you plan an event and saw it through to fruition? What made your day enjoyable? I ask these questions because there's so much negativity about daily lives. Drama started again, someone received a bad grade on an exam, the car was repossessed, the bills were twice as much as I thought they'd be this month, etc.

Earlier, I mentioned the concept of epic events. I cannot speak for each person in the world, but I have noticed a pattern emerge as I progress in life. It seems people have joyous days when a marriage proposal happens, a baby is born, a surprise party was thrown, and so forth. I will say that these are wonderful events that should not be overlooked; they are wonderful experiences that should be celebrated. What I am referrinng to is the daily grind of life. If an epic event doesn't happen, then how often do you hear people talk about their daily enjoyments? Based on what I've seen and have heard, it doesn't happen very often.

A couple days ago, my boy friend and I sat on the couch together and played a game on his phone called "Guess the Song." I think we played the game for 3 hours. That was a day I enjoyed. This past Sunday, I made Strawberry French Toast for the first time; it was the best french toast I've eaten yet! I enjoyed that moment and day. Not too long ago, I watched Hunger Games for the first time. Why did I not watch the movie sooner?!?! Needless to say, I enjoyed that day.

It may appear to be obvious, but the small pleasures in life make each day enjoyable. The epic events are wonderful and should be cherished forever. I also think the small pleasures in life should be celebrated. The small pleasures may not seem worthy of celebration. However, if you take the time to enjoy the small pleasures of life, you will become a happier person and the epic moments will be that much greater.

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