Thursday, February 27, 2014

Humility is a Virtue

When's the last time you were thankful for a good situation? Now, when's the last time you were thankful for a bad situation? Looking at the two questions, which one was easier to answer? Most likely, the first question was easier to answer. It's easy to be thankful when life events go our way. However, when life pulls the carpet from under your feet, it can test and question everything you know.

In my life, I have had to work hard for everything; nothing has been handed to me. In fact, if someone earns something good, I have to work at least 10 times harder to achieve the same goal. It's not that I am lazy. In fact, it is the exact opposite. There are days I question why I have to work harder than most people I know. It can be disheartening, frustrating, and exhausting.

Currently, I am at a point in my life where there are many variables up in the air that could alter or change my life forever. Outcomes I thought would happen have turned out differently. I wonder why I am placed in situations when my talents and work ethic would say otherwise. However, I continue to remind myself that life will work itself out. I know it is not my place to question why life events happen to me.

In an effort to become a better person, I am looking at my current situations from a different paradigm. Instead of wondering why certain situations happen to me, I look at them and question what I can control, my motives behind the situations, and whether I am learning humility. Humility keeps me grounded, puts life into a different perspective, and has taught me to question myself in a new way.

Right now, the lesson I am learning is that I must be humble in situations that test me in order to truly appreciate when favorable outcomes happen. It is not easy, but it has helped me to become a well-rounded human being. Also, I know, at the end of the day, my work ethic, desire, and perseverence will take me far in life. I may be frustrated, but I know everything works itself out at the end of the day.

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