Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lesson from a Friend

If a new version of a product comes out, do you purchase it? Do you insist on having the best money can buy? Does the motto "More is Better" sound good to you? If so, you're not alone. We live in a society where
temptations are within reach: technology is ancient once it's purchased and many people try to keep up with the Jones'.

When I was growing up, I wanted to fit in. I insisted on wearing the best clothes, using the best products, and only hanging out at trendy places. How could I possibly go on living life if I wasn't doing and purchasing what everyone else had? As I've grown, I have learned that I do not need to do what everyone else is doing. I've thought about the events that have happened in my life that have shaped me into the person I am today.

One event that helped me to put life into perspective is a dear friend of mine. She recently told me about her trip to Africa. During our chat session, she mentioned that the people share one bucket of water for the day. The bucket is used to wash hands, drink out of, etc. When she shared this with me, 3 thoughts crossed my mind: 1) That's gross; 2) I can't believe people still live that way; and 3) Do I take my own life for granted?

Once our chat session was finished, I drove home, walked into the house, and looked at the faucet in the kitchen. I thought about the water I use to wash the dishes, take a shower, wash my hands, do the laundry, cook dinner, and drink. As I look at my water usage, I honestly couldn't tell you how much water I use per day. I am sure the people in Africa wish they could have the resources I take for granted.

As I think about this, it makes me appreciative of what I have. It is not necessary to own the latest technology each time a new version of something comes out on the market or buy what others may own. Is my view the popular choice? Absolutely, positively, no! However, I know when I look back on my life, I know it will be a fulfilling one.

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