Friday, September 12, 2014

Thank Your Past

Do you remember what 10 years ago looked like? What do those memories look like? Are you proud of them? How have those memories impacted who you are today? In another 10 years, how will you perceive those memories? I remember 10 years ago as if it were yesterday. Once in a while, I will wake up and wonder how 10 years flashed before my eyes.

The number 10 popped up in my mind because of recent self-reflection. A decade ago, I was in my senior year of high school. When I think about my senior year, many thoughts appear in my mind as clear as water. I remember scrambling down the tight hallways, at school, rushing to make it to class on time. Sometimes, teachers actually taught the students. When they didn't, most students would talk to each other. I, however, kept to myself. I had a couple friends. Those friends had other friends; I did not. Many days, I felt alone. I didn't belong to a clique. Parties on weekends and phone calls after school did not exist. Dating was not part of my vocabulary. Instead of attending football and basketball games with classmates, I swiped my plastic card to clock in at work. Each shift, I would wear my over-sized smock with a tee shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. I was a great employee who exceeded expectations consistently. During each work break, I studied for quizzes and exams. I think I always had a text book or a set of vocabulary flash cards with me. I was a loner.

Why am I reflecting on the past? I will tell you why. My past made me who I am today. Did I sound lame? Perhaps, I did. However, there are benefits to being the unpopular pick. As a loner, I didn't have to worry about fitting into a clique. Fitting into a clique would mean conforming just to fit in. Since I was not part of a clique, I know who I am and am proud of myself. Typically, when people conform to fit into a group, they may try things they don't want to. I was never pressured to drink, smoke, or use illegal substances. I still choose to live a life without involving these substances. Many would say I dedicated too much time to my studies. Guess what? I love school! In fact, I love learning so much that I decided to dedicate my life to school.

Each past experience has shaped who I am today. I thank my past because it has enriched my life. I am not fond of the majority of memories, but I am fond of what the future holds. Each day, I get to live the life I want to, not the life others want me to live. If I meet others who want to share life experiences with me along the way, then that's fine. If not, that's fine, too. Regardless, I will continue to be the wise loner.

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