Friday, September 5, 2014

Which One Do You Choose?

When is the last time you picked up the phoned and called someone, simply because you enjoy their conversation? How did the conversation go? What did you two discuss? I ask these questions because a traditional phone conversation has almost become obsolete. Text messenger, e-mail, Facebook, and other messaging tools have taken over. These services are convenient, quick, and easy to use. It is amazing to know that a message will await me when I log onto my social media sites or open my phone, but there's something missing.

Each time I communicate with people online or on my mobile device, it seems like the human aspect of conversation is missing. Writing words can communicate a message effectively, but hearing someone's voice takes the communicative experience to a different level. Each time I communicate with someone over the telephone. I engage my senses. Hearing a loved one's voice means more to me than reading words on a screen.

Growing up, my mom and I were very close. Some would say we are best friends. Naturally, I grew up and moved out. When I moved out, I missed my mom a lot. Luckily, I did not live too far away. If I missed her, I could drive a half an hour and it felt like I never left. Recently, I relocated to a different part of Ohio. Now, I live a lot farther than I used to. If I want to see her, I have to strategically plan the trip. It is the first time she is not within driving distance. Each day, I miss her more than the previous day.

I know I cannot see her when I want, but I can still keep in contact with her. I make it a priority to call her once a week. It is easy to talk to her for hours, but it seems like we only have minutes. One minute, we start talking. The next minute, it has been two hours. Talking to her, on the phone, has helped me to cope with the transition. I would rather have a quality conversation with her over the telephone than receive a text message.

Next time you find yourself missing someone, pick up the phone and make a phone call. It could make someone's day, rekindle a past relationship, or build a foundation for a future one. Each time you talk to someone could be the last time. Cherish the relationships you have with people. Media are trendy and convenient, but don't become lost in it. Instead, recognize why it exists and what it's intended to accomplish. Then, think about the intention of a phone call. If you only had one more opportunity to communicate with someone, and you could not do it face-to-face, which form of communication would you choose?

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