Sunday, February 8, 2015

Do You Know What You Have?

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone." "Once something's gone, you can't go back in time and retrieve it." "Enjoy what you have now because it'll be gone before you know it." Do these statements sound familiar? I can't tell you how any variations of these statements I've heard throughout the years. The broken record everyone preached used to annoy me; now, I understand why the record plays at the same spot.

It feels weird to say this, but I have become one of those people. I normally wouldn't wish to go back in time, but this is a rare exception. If I could go back in time, I would tell my past self that things don't get easier. Each night, I have to use a heating pad on my back. If I don't, a certain spot on my back aches. When I move, it feels like I am trying to stretch a rope instead of a rubber band. Let's not forget to acknowledge the fact that I used to survive on all nighters. Now, if I don't get enough sleep in one night, I will be in a sour mood the entire day. I could wear heels all day a few years ago. That's now gone, too. When I wear them, I have to wear special inserts inside of them and I have to strategically choose when to wear them throughout the day. I'm now used to paying bills, shopping for groceries on a regular basis instead of clothes, and make time for cooking meals each night. Life seemed simpler when the rent payment wasn't due the first of each month. When I didn't have many of life's worries and concerns on my plate, I didn't realize it. It was easy to take it for granted; I didn't know any better.

I know I can't get that part of my life back and that trivial issues are gone forever. Do you want to know a secret? It's not always easy, but I am embracing it. Now that I know I can't get those times back, I have learned to appreciate the current times. Being an adult student is difficult financially, but I am embracing the fact that I can explore life without being tied down to a desk and I get to spend more time with my family. My body is going through unpleasant changes, but I know it's nothing compared to what other people go through. There will be a point in my life when these moments are gone and I can't get them back. I don't want to look back on my life and wish I had done something different. If I embrace the current situation and know what I have, it will set me up for success for the rest of my life.

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