Friday, December 26, 2014

Are You Exhausted?

When you live your day-to-day life, what thoughts consume you? Are your thoughts happy ones that make life worth living or do they cause you internal pain? I hope you chose the first of the two. If not, then you're not alone. Within the past week, I have witnessed people expressing thoughts that revolve around anger, pain, greed, envy, and jealousy. These thoughts consumed their conversations with other people, which makes me wonder how often people consume these kinds of thoughts.

I used to consume thoughts that were not healthy. In the past, I put myself down for not looking a certain way, pleasing people enough, not being well-liked, and not being the best at anything. When I looked around me, I wanted to live a different life. Why was I not noticed? How come others were chosen over me? Was there something wrong with me?!? For a long time, I thought there was. It didn't matter how hard I tried; I just couldn't win.

Recently, I noticed a significant change within myself. I started caring less about what others thought of me and started determining who I was and what I needed to do to live a happy life. As I went through this transition, changes had to be made. One change I have experienced is my ability to say no. In the past, I may have given into peer pressure and do something I didn't want to do (i.e., hang out with someone and stay out later than I wanted to). Now, I am comfortable turning down an opportunity without hesitation. Sure, it doesn't create a positive impression, but I would rather not be liked for being me than be liked for being someone I am not.

Giving into peer pressure was exhausting! I spent so much time pleasing others that I forgot how to make myself happy. When I gave into it, it caused resentment, sadness, and jealousy. Since I have started saying no, my thoughts have become happy. It is amazing to live the life I want to live, not the life others think I should live.

If you're in a situation where you want to say no, but don't want to hurt others, then do this for me: stop concerning yourself with the thoughts of others. If their opinion of you is what dictates your life, then you are surrounding yourself with the wrong people. I understand you can't always avoid these people. However, if you surround yourself with people who respect when you say no, then you will create a calm, peaceful, and happy life. It may give you an uneasy feeling at first, but you will reap the long-term benefits of saying no. 

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