Friday, December 12, 2014

Let's Get Back to the Basics

Did you go shopping on Black Friday? Have you started baking holiday cookies and wrapping gifts? Is it a yearly tradition to wait till the last minute to do everything for Christmas? Are you stressed out about seeing family members you don't like? Do my questions give you a headache? When I wrote them, they gave me a headache.

Each year, I see more people become stressed over the holiday season. It's disheartening to see people look at Christmas ads during Thanksgiving. Why can't people enjoy time with their loved ones? When I see people walking around stores stressed and spending next year's money, I feel sorry for them. Why do those people make decisions based on one time of year? Would those people make the same decisions if it wasn't that time of year? If I come in contact with materialistic family members, all they care about is what others will buy their children? Can't they just appreciate what other people do for their kids?

Growing up, I remember people being happy during the Christmas season. My mom baked cookies in the kitchen, I saw Christmas lights at night, ate too much food, decorated the tree, and spent time with loved ones. This way of life seems basic to me, and it's the type of life I still live. I question why people get caught up in the unnecessary hoopla.

I understand how easy it is to become consumed by hallmark and pop culture. Advertisers make people think they need certain things when they really don't, which means people (in general, not aimed at a specific person) are spending more money than they need to. A time of year that used to fill people with joy has filled them with greed and jealousy.

I want everyone to get back to the basics. Forget about the material presents, sales, and newspaper ads. Let's take the time to enjoy loved ones, partake in traditional holiday activities, and remind ourselves why the holiday season is so special. Light holiday-scented candles, put on holiday music, drink hot cider/cocoa, and watch a holiday movie. Okay, okay, I know what I suggest may or may not sound like what you would want to do. However, if you take the time to enjoy life and those who are in it, then it will help to make the holiday season merry, joyous, and bright.

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